Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Movie Log: Day 1

Well day 1 didn't go particularly well, for my dad at least. Poor guy got rear-ended on the way home from work, this translated into me picking him up. However I always have time for movies, Today I watched the first 2 entries into the "Acid House": The first being "The 25th Hour" and the other being "Fifty Pills".


MOVIE: 25th Hour
YEAR: 2002
DRUGS IN QUESTION: Heroine, Ecstasy

This is a spike Lee joint which makes it a quick candidate and while not a total Acid House movie I will definitely allow it to be the first entry in our list. A pretty strong group of actors (Ed Norton, Phillip Seymor Hoffman, Barry Pepper, Rosario Dawson, and Anna Paquin) came together with a great set of dialogue and storytelling in this fine piece. Your basic plot rundown goes something like this: Monty (Ed Norton) was a high roller in New York City selling Heroin, that is until the DEA busts him for it. As we go back and forth from the past and present we find out that Monty is going to jail for about 8 years and must say his goodbyes to his friends. His first top is to his old high school to meet his friend that now teaches there (Hoffman), and his best friend who works at a stock broker firm (Pepper) as they gear up for one last night of freedom.
The internal struggle that monty goes through mulling over his decisions of what to do next mixed with the non-linear storytelling, a surprise guest star in former NFL player Tony Siragusa, and that Spike Lee magic make this a very well done film. This movie is plenty quotable and memorable and leaves a strong final message. The cinematography was pretty damn good in this, and the movie has a very definite flow from beginning to end. I would easily say that this is one of Spike Lee's finest.

WHAT MOMENT WAS APPROVAL CONFIRMED: When Anna Paquin admits to having taken Ecstasy to her teacher played by Phillip Seymour Hoffman.
FAVORITE SCENE: The very Spike Lee esque monologue that Norton does in the bathroom that was reminiscent of "Do the Right Thing".
ACID SCORE: I give it 8 hits out of 10


MOVIE: Fifty Pills
DIRECTOR: Theo Avgerinos
YEAR: 2006

For what must have been a very low budget the director and crew did quite a bit I believe. This little indie from director Theo Avgerinos takes a look at Darren, the average college guy who has a little problem. Only 2 days after starting school both he and his roomate are looking at academic suspension after throwing a raging party. All is well after that until Darren goes home for Thanksgiving break and Coleman throws another party where he gets caught with alcohol. Even though Darren isn't there he still has to pay the price and is having his scholarship money taken away. In one day Darren has to raise roughly 8 thousand dollars, but Coleman feeling bad about what he did presents Darren with an oppertunity: sell the 50 Ecstasy pills he has and get the money to the office in time. The cast is a very obscure one although I recognized Lou Taylor Pucci who plays Darren as one of the supporting cast from "The Informers". The one recognizable face was Kristen Bell (TV's "Heroes", "Gossip Girl") who plays Darrens love interest on campus.
I would say this movie is quick and quirky in all the right places and puts a bit of a light hearted spin on the world of drug sales. I also like how a much used plot device (average joe placed in an extreme, sometime life threatening situation) was applied to drug sales like it was here. It also helped that I sympathized with Darren's character a little since I had a less then pleasant roommate my first year of college. All in all I would say this passes the qualification of not only being a decent popcorn flick but also being a member of the Acid House.

WHAT MOMENT WAS APPROVAL CONFIRMED: As Coleman is explaining to his depressed roomate how he can pay for next semester.
FAVORITE SCENE: Darren goes home and his parents end up believing he is gay.
ACID SCORE: I give it 7 hits out of 10

So thats all for today sports fans. Tommorw I finish up the numbers and begin work on the first letter of the alphabet in the hopes of discovering more entries to the Acid House. Stay tuned till then.

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